Club food drive helps animals
Al Stover / Reporting
Published in issue 41.9 of the SFCC Communicator
Published in issue 41.9 of the SFCC Communicator
Kara Nelson walks into SpokAnimal, carrying a large box of chew toys and blankets, passing cages with barking dogs inside. Behind her, Luke Garza holds two large bags of dog food.

According to Garza, Anime Club president, the club has been gathering supplies since fall quarter. He said the idea for the pet food and supply drive came after the Anime Club realized that no other clubs were hosting a drive to help homeless or abandoned animals.
"We realized we could do more good by helping these animals and (raising) awareness," Garza said.
Students can donate pet food and supplies to the decorated boxes around campus. Supplies that can be donated include blankets and training pads.
"We had a lady who brought us six bags of food," Garza said.
Although the Anime Club has been working by themselves on the drive, Garza said the club has posted fliers around campus, and asks for donations during their club events and animated movies they host on campus.
"We ask for donations rather than charge for admission," Garza said.
According to Garza, the Anime Club has already gathered a large amount of supplies, including over 50 giant bags of dog and cat food.
Nelson, who had previously volunteered with SpokAnimal, said club members volunteer in shifts to gather donations from the boxes every Friday. When they have gathered enough supplies, they deliver the load to the animal shelter.
"We walk around and see many of the dogs we have already helped," Nelson said. "We also ask the shelter what more supplies they need."
Candice Watkins, volunteer coordinator for SpokAnimal said that it is great to have the club donate on a regular basis.
"We have 9,000 animals to care for, and having the club donate is a big factor that helps us," Watkins said.
Anime Club adviser Yasuka Huff, said the club will be doing the supply drive next year.
In addition to taking donations, Garza said the Anime Club hopes to set up an animal adoption day where students can adopt animals.
"We still have to find out the process and the regulations on that," Garza said.
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